Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Having the Olympics in Vancouver is a Fatal mistake


I have currently joined the "2010 learning legacies competition" writing and analyzing the impacts to Vancouver in the future from the Winter Olympics that have just ended. I have just started my introduction and I hope to finish the essay before March 15.

Having the Olympics in Vancouver is a Fatal mistake

Do you enjoy the opening ceremony in Vancouver? Yes, it looks very nice but there is a cost for it. According to CBC news in 2006, the Olympic games in Montreal back in 1976, it took thirty years to run out of deficit. Will Vancouver follow the same path as Montreal? The answer is definitely yes and the taxpayers are the ones that are going to suffer from it. At the point of March 2,2010, the cost of the Vancouver 2010 games are at least 8.7 billions and counting (UBYSSEY 2010). Most of the costs are off budget and the toughest days are yet to come.



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