Monday, April 23, 2012

金馬倫伙Google巨頭 謀小行星採礦


- a pretty interesting article from HK Yahoo news of 明報
- mining in the ocean floor, deep sea mining, has been a major research in mining industry. Australia, a mining country, could be the leading country to do so. Other countries like Korea/Japan/South Africa are trying to follow. More than 70% of the earth is beneath the ocean. It could be a major break through for these projects to succeed. Despite the technology exists, lots of environmental issues are raised against them. 
- thus, people now have shifted their focus to the outer space with even better potential out there. However, i believe outer space mining would even raise more issues, especially in politics. Which country has the right to mine it? Technology should not be a problem. It will always come down to political and environmental problems.
- Despite political and environmental concerns, deep ocean and outer space mining could be a big hit in the future.


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