Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Why Apple Will Hit $1,650 by the End of 2015?

Why Apple Will Hit $1,650 by the End of 2015

-few days ago, a posted video suggested Apple will hit $700 mark. Now, people are talking about 3 years down the road.
-the article has its points, in an ideal scenario?  i can foreseen Apple is going to diversify its technology slowly and get into iTv and iAd and iPay... but hummm... too optimistic? 
-interesting to read some of the comments people wrote:
 >"What is extraordinary is that with this huge growth potential analysts consensus forecasts are for Apple’s earnings growth to slow dramatically, to o% in 2015. This was Zacks’ consensus EPS growth forecasts on 27 Feb 2012:
Sep. 2012: 54.7%
Sep 2013: 11.7%
Sep 2014: 7.5%
Sep 2015 0%
Current Apple share price is based on these ridiculously conservative forecasts, which just goes to show why Apple’s shares are such good value"
>Apple could do a stock split. 
>"this BULL market is artificial, have you seen the volume, most of the volume is in $AAPL"

Lawrence Tsang

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