Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Hey! Wanna Buy Some Influence?

 Hey! Wanna Buy Some Influence?

 -interesting how much was spent on each campaigns 
-apparently, we can really buy power and influence
-so election is no longer for the public, the majority?

Lawrence Tsang

$35,000 “is the minimum ante to be on the radar,” says Schoen. That’s the legal maximum contribution to an election effort—$2,500 each for the primary and general phases to the campaign committee, plus $30,800 to the national party committee. “You get invited to events and somebody will return your call. It used to be that that had a bigger impact, but you’re not going to be ignored.”
$100,000 to $150,000 “makes an impact somewhere,” says Schoen. Approach a super PAC with a single issue and a contribution on that scale, and your concerns will make it to party leadership. “You can make a determinative impact on a particular issue.”
$2 million to $3 million is enough to “have a huge impact on the party committees. You can influence a couple of races. You can be a serious player and be seen as one of the more important people in the process,” says Schoen.
$5 million to $10 million makes you an influential figure in five or ten Senate races. “You will be taken seriously in Washington by every player. In traditional philanthropic giving, that’s a valuable contribution, but the president of the university doesn’t have time for you. The President of the United States does have time for you.”
$70 million makes you “as important as anyone in America. You set the agenda. You control the action.”

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