Saturday, July 31, 2010

How to trade with discipline

Dear All

Today I am sharing a strategy that I have been using for the past few years to train my discipline towards trading stocks. For beginners in trading stocks, there are lots of time that you know that a stock will rise but you will sell it before it reaches that price. Also, there are times when you will continue to hold the stocks rather that having a price to cut the loss. Psychology, you are letting your feeling to control over your rationality. This is a mistake that many will experience and so did myself. To train your discipline, I encourage one should go to the casino more. It is not that I encourage you to gamble, it is a good way to train your feeling and temper. How it works is every time you enter to the casino, you will bring say $200 US into it. However, you are only allowed to lose $20. You must bring $180 out. It is similar to cutting your lost. When you are buying a stock, no matter what happens, you must leave at a certain point. If you can train yourself and be able to leave the casino with $180, you are in better shape with your discipline.

Hope this helps



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