It has been well known that investments Gold, Silver, Real Estate, and precious metals are good ways to hedge the inflation. Right now after the major stimulus by governments around the world, we are all anticipating for inflation. However, what are good to buy at this moment. For me, I would strongly encourage Silver. Gold has gone over $1150 US an ounce. It will still go up but Silver should be a better choice. Silver has risen a lot in the past year but it has not gone up as much as gold. The reason is that gold has gone up that much mainly because of the higher demand in Asian countries such as China. Besides, Silver price has been less volatile than gold.

In the charts provided by, it clearly shows that silver and gold move in similar directions but gold is more volatile and has risen more than silver. Thus, why buy gold? Buy Silver instead. At this stage when there are still so many uncertainties in the global market recovery, I recommend investors to purchase a portion of assets on commodity and silver would be my recommendation. Right now, the price is $17 per ounce. I will buy anytime now.
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