Sunday, September 5, 2010

The Risng of Groupon


Today I would like to talk about the company "Groupon". Even though this company is still not on the public stock exchange yet, I really appreciate the concept and idea of the company. This company does not manufacture goods, it manufactures coupons. We can call them the coupon giant. In less than two years since the start of Groupon, they have expanded from United States to over 25 countries around the world. Hundreds of coupons are sold every minute. How does this work? This company just goes around city and deals with companies that are interested to give out coupons. Not only this could help companies to boost up their revenue, this could also promote their companies. On the other hand, Groupon will create coupons for those companies and make profit by receiving some commissions off those sold coupons. This is a win win situation for both companies by Groupon gaining profits from selling coupons and promoting companies receiving free advertisements. Consumers love to use coupons especially the owner of "IKEA" Ingvar Kamprad. Will Ingvar Kamprad be a big fan of Groupon?

Check out their webiste:



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